Customer Satisfaction Survey

Customer Satisfaction Survey

Summit Technical Solutions, LLC is committed to providing quality services that exceed customer expectations. STS’s commitment to understanding the customer objectives and goals is instrumental in meeting and/or exceeding our customer’s requirements.

Survey Questions:

    General Information

    Contract Type:

    Customer Information

    Customer Guide & Questions

    Rate each criterion from highest to lowest using the following criteria: Exceptional, Very Good, Satisfactory, Marginal, Unsatisfactory, or Not Applicable. If particular criteria are not applicable, it should be rated N/A. Definitions of each rating criterion are delineated below. Comments are optional.
    Exceptional - Performance of support and services met contract requirements and consistently exceeded the Government’s expectations. Problems, if any, were negligible and were resolved through corrective action in a timely and highly effective manner.
    Very Good - Performance of support and services met contract requirements and sometimes exceeded the Government’s expectations. There were a few minor problems, which the contractor resolved through corrective action in a timely and effective manner.
    Satisfactory - Performance of support and services met contract requirements. There were some minor problems, and corrective actions taken by the contractor appear or were satisfactory to the Government.
    Marginal - Performance of support and services did not meet some contractual requirements. There were problems, some of a serious nature, for which corrective action has not yet been identified or was only marginally effective.
    Unsatisfactory - Performance of support and services did not meet most contractual requirements. There were serious problems, and the contractor’s corrective actions appear or were ineffective.
    Not Applicable - Summit Technical Solutions did not provide relative support and services.

    1. Service Quality:

    ▪ Personnel adhere to quality standards.
    ▪ Identify risk factors and alternatives for alleviating risk.
    ▪ Reports and documentation are accurate and complete.
    ▪ Identify and provide corrective and preventive action.
    ▪ Provide new and innovative services.
    ▪ Provide adequate staff that is appropriately qualified and trained.
    ExceptionalVery GoodSatisfactoryMarginalUnsatisfactoryNot Applicable

    2. Cost Control

    ▪ Accurately estimate and control cost to complete work.
    ▪ Implement effective cost saving initiatives.
    ExceptionalVery GoodSatisfactoryMarginalUnsatisfactoryNot Applicable

    3. Timeliness of Performance

    ▪ Complete major tasks, milestones, or deliverables on schedule.
    ▪ Identify and solve problems expeditiously.
    ▪ Respond to unanticipated or emergency work requests.
    ▪ Provide adequate resources in a timely manner to meet requirements and solve problems.
    ▪ Invoices are timely and accurate.
    ExceptionalVery GoodSatisfactoryMarginalUnsatisfactoryNot Applicable

    4. Business Relations

    ▪ Effectively interface with the Government’s staff.
    ▪ Utilize cooperation and negotiation abilities in resolving conflict(s).
    ▪ Respond to changes in technical direction.
    ExceptionalVery GoodSatisfactoryMarginalUnsatisfactoryNot Applicable

    5. Program Management

    ▪ Recruit and maintain qualified personnel.
    ▪ Demonstrate management ability (Program Manager, Task Leader) to manage program tasks.
    ▪ Use program management tools to effectively manage resources and schedule.
    ▪ Perform overall planning, scheduling and monitoring activities effectively.
    ▪ Effectively manage subcontractors.
    ▪ Coordinate, integrate and provide effective subcontractor management,
    ExceptionalVery GoodSatisfactoryMarginalUnsatisfactoryNot Applicable

    6. Overall Evaluation

    ▪ How would you rate Summit Technical Solutions, LLC's overall management performance on this task/contract?
    ExceptionalVery GoodSatisfactoryMarginalUnsatisfactoryNot Applicable
    ▪ How would you rate Summit Technical Solutions, LLC's overall technical performance on this task/contract?
    ExceptionalVery GoodSatisfactoryMarginalUnsatisfactoryNot Applicable

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    I consent to having this website store my submitted information so they can review my survey submission.