We are proud of our past performance, and take pride in our quality solutions in our core areas of expertise: Test, Training and Evaluation, Operations, Maintenance & Sustainment, Systems Engineering Services, Information Technology. Leveraging our largely veteran team’s vast experience and commitment to high quality services, the STS team delivers innovative and comprehensive solutions to solve our customers’ present needs, while preparing for the challenges of the future.
The Summit Technical Solutions team has historically supported the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) through the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). Our performance demonstrated STS’s ability to execute large scale operations and program sustainment, consisting of hundreds of tasks and procedures in a comprehensive cost effective manner. Our performance in support of the 2016: DHS Small Business Achievement Award.
United States Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM) is the Unified Combatant Command charged with space & information operations, missile defense, global command and control, intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance, global strike and strategic deterrence, and combating weapons of mass destruction. Summit Technical Solutions is an industry expert on the front line of strategic deterrence. STS currently provides direct Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Systems Engineering Support to the Headquarters AFGSC, and 20th Air Force/Task Force-214.
The STS Federal Supply Schedule for Professional Support Services, a GSA Schedule contract, provides a full range of services including Strategic Planning For Technology Programs Activities; Concept Development and Requirements Analysis; System Design, Engineering and Integration; Test and Evaluation; Integrated Logistics Support; and Acquisition and Life Cycle Management .To help your agency meet its objectives, our services may be ordered through STS’ GSA Schedule. As our customer, you control the project. You deal directly with STS, and you’re assured of getting a price already determined fair and reasonable by GSA.
TS has provided SATCOM System Expert (SSE) Support to MILSATCOM, carrying out operational requirements, architectures, engineering, and programmatic support for Advanced Extremely High Frequency (AEHF), Enhanced Polar System (EPS), Family of Service Advanced Beyond Line-of-Sight Terminals (FAB-T), Global Broadcast Service (GBS), Ground Multi-Band Terminal (GMT), Military Strategic, Tactical and Relay (MILSTAR), Transformational Satellite (TSAT) Communications, and the WGS System.
Our experts provide Software Engineering solutions to ensure timely and effective fielding of mission critical software products. STS provides software lifecycle management for the governance, development, and maintenance of programs. This support encompasses requirements for management, architecture, computer programming, software testing and maintenance, change management, continuous integration, release management and more. Our SMEs provide technical support and assist in planning future software revisions and review briefings and prepare our customers for issues including operational impacts, deployment and cost/benefit analysis.
STS provides direct ICBM systems engineering support for Headquarters Air Force Global Strike Command. The STS team provides planning, analyses, and systems engineering support tasks necessary to develop, produce, deploy, operate, and maintain weapon systems. Our expertise ensures USSTRATCOM and America’s allies possess a reliable, safe, and effective ICBM force.
STS provided on-site program management, operational, and logistics support to all personnel, equipment, tools, and materials necessary to accomplish all mail open/sort and distribution services for the FAA Mike Monroney Aeronautical Center (MMAC). Under this Mail and Distribution contract, STS provided all personnel, equipment, tools, materials, supervision and services, necessary to accomplish the processing of all incoming and outgoing mail for the MMAC
STS holds a unique role via on-site technical training of active duty personnel at the 20th Air Force ICBM Center of Excellence.
STS team members support the ICBM Systems Directorate in the requirements and acquisition phases of the Ground Based Strategic Deterrent replacement for the Minuteman III ICBM system with personnel at Hill AFB, UT in conjunction with AFGSC office at Barksdale AFB, LA. The ICBM Systems Directorate sustains a superior nuclear workforce by consolidating and maintaining a critical skills balance of program management, engineering, flight test, nuclear safety, and nuclear surety experience.
The PARCS provides tactical warning and attack assessment of sea-launched and intercontinental ballistic missiles launched against the continental United States and southern Canada; continuously provides critical missile warning and space surveillance data to enable space situational awareness and space control. STS provides all Operations, Maintenance and Support (OM&S) for the PARCS Radar and 10th Space Warning Squadron(SWS) at Cavalier Space Force Station (CSFS), North Dakota including legacy asset and facility maintenance, civil engineering, Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OHSA) and environmental functions, security, logistics, and engineering support.
Summit Technical Solutions has been a proven, legacy service provider to a variety of defense agencies like the United States Space Force for more than a decade! We have a history of delivering unmatched, and technically superior approaches through superior management, leveraging our ISO 9001:2015 quality driven process to reduce risk and ensure mission continuity. Our capabilities are easily integrated to provide continuous, quality service to our defense agency customers for the next decade and beyond!
The Summit Technical Solutions team has historically supported the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) through the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). Our performance demonstrated STS’s ability to execute large scale operations and program sustainment, consisting of hundreds of tasks and procedures in a comprehensive cost effective manner. Our performance in support of the 2016: DHS Small Business Achievement Award. STS excels in efficiently managing and maintaining the large population files, and the labor force required to support the effort.
Summit Technical Solutions is an industry expert on the front line of strategic deterrence. STS currently provides direct Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Systems Engineering Support to the Headquarters AFGSC, and 20th Air Force/Task Force-214.