01 Sep 2014 – STS paid shipping cost for packages sent to Afghanistan in support of Team Hatchet Army Unit
Story by Pam Osborn: I was up at the break table and we were talking, Katie Self sits at the same table with me and they (the people I sit with) are always asking how my son is doing, I told them how I had just had to mail him 2 towels, and that led to them asking why? I told them somehow his towel came up missing out of his laundry bag and he told me he had been drying off on T-Shirts for 2 weeks and if I could would I send him a towel. (Poor baby…) Anyway…Katie then asked me if I would mind if she brought it up with Jennifer Olson in the mailroom because they had collected for the tornado victims in Joplin etc. and since my son was always asking for things like baby wipes and socks, just basic stuff, we could see if we could help him and his team out. And that led to the collection, which went wonderfully and I am sure they’ll all be happy at all the generosity of everyone. Good people, I know a lot of them.
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